from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import sys
from wolframclient.utils.api import numpy
from wolframclient.utils.dispatch import Dispatch
from wolframclient.utils.functional import map
encoder = Dispatch()
numpy.int8: "Integer8",
numpy.int16: "Integer16",
numpy.int32: "Integer32",
numpy.int64: "Integer64",
numpy.uint8: "UnsignedInteger8",
numpy.uint16: "UnsignedInteger16",
numpy.uint32: "UnsignedInteger32",
numpy.uint64: "UnsignedInteger64",
numpy.float32: "Real32",
numpy.float64: "Real64",
numpy.complex64: "ComplexReal32",
numpy.complex128: "ComplexReal64",
SYS_IS_LE = sys.byteorder == "little"
[docs]def to_little_endian(array, inplace=False):
""" Return a numpy array of the same type with little endian byte ordering.
Set `inplace` to `True` to mutate the input array. """
endianness = array.dtype.byteorder
if endianness == ">" or (endianness == "=" and not SYS_IS_LE):
return array.byteswap(inplace=inplace).newbyteorder()
return array
def encode_ndarray(serializer, o):
wl_type = NUMPY_MAPPING[o.dtype.type]
except KeyError:
raise NotImplementedError(
"NumPy serialization not implemented for %s. Choices are: %s"
% (repr(o.dtype), ", ".join(map(repr, NUMPY_MAPPING.keys())))
o = to_little_endian(o)
if hasattr(o, "tobytes"):
# Numpy 1.9+ support array.tobytes, but previous versions don't and use tostring instead.
data = o.tobytes()
data = o.tostring()
return serializer.serialize_numeric_array(data, o.shape, wl_type)
numpy.int8: ("Integer8", None),
numpy.int16: ("Integer16", None),
numpy.int32: ("Integer32", None),
numpy.int64: ("Integer64", None),
numpy.uint8: ("Integer16", numpy.int16),
numpy.uint16: ("Integer32", numpy.int32),
numpy.uint32: ("Integer64", numpy.int64),
# numpy.uint64: ("UnsignedInteger64", None),
numpy.float32: ("Real32", None),
numpy.float64: ("Real64", None),
numpy.complex64: ("ComplexReal32", None),
numpy.complex128: ("ComplexReal64", None),
Maps numpy dtype to appropriate wxf packed array type, eventually specifying the type to cast the data to.
def encode_packed_array(serializer, o):
wl_type, cast_to = PACKEDARRAY_NUMPY_MAPPING[o.dtype.type]
except KeyError:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Packed array serialization not implemented for %s. Choices are: %s"
% (repr(o.dtype), ", ".join(map(repr, PACKEDARRAY_NUMPY_MAPPING.keys())))
o = to_little_endian(o)
if cast_to is not None:
o = numpy.array(o, dtype=cast_to)
if hasattr(o, "tobytes"):
# Numpy 1.9+ support array.tobytes, but previous versions don't and use tostring instead.
data = o.tobytes()
data = o.tostring()
return serializer.serialize_packed_array(data, o.shape, wl_type)
def encode_numpy_int(serializer, o):
return serializer.serialize_int(int(o))
def encode_numpy_floating(serializer, o):
# mantissa, and base 2 exponent.
mantissa, exp = numpy.frexp(o)
return serializer.serialize_function(
(serializer.serialize_int(2), serializer.serialize_float(exp)),
[docs]@encoder.dispatch((numpy.float16, numpy.float32, numpy.float64))
def encode_numpy_mp_float(serializer, o):
return serializer.serialize_float(o)
def encode_complex(serializer, o):
return serializer.serialize_complex(o)