Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

from wolframclient.utils import six

__all__ = ["WolframServer"]

[docs]class WolframServer(object): """ Represents the cloud server. Contains the authentication endpoints information, the API endpoint aka. the cloud base (`$CloudBase` in the Wolfram Language), and eventually the xauth consumer key and secret. """ def __init__( self, cloudbase, request_token_endpoint, access_token_endpoint, xauth_consumer_key=None, xauth_consumer_secret=None, certificate=None, ): self.cloudbase = cloudbase self.request_token_endpoint = request_token_endpoint self.access_token_endpoint = access_token_endpoint self.xauth_consumer_key = xauth_consumer_key self.xauth_consumer_secret = xauth_consumer_secret if certificate is None or isinstance(certificate, six.string_types): self.certificate = certificate else: raise ValueError("Invalid certificate. Must be a string type or None.")
[docs] def is_xauth(self): return self.xauth_consumer_key is not None and self.xauth_consumer_secret is not None
def __repr__(self): return ( "<%s: cloudbase=%s, request_token=%s, access_token=%s, certificate=%s, xauth support=%s>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.cloudbase, self.request_token_endpoint, self.access_token_endpoint, self.certificate, self.is_xauth(), ) )
# A built-in instance representing the Wolfram Public Cloud. WOLFRAM_PUBLIC_CLOUD_SERVER = WolframServer( "", "", "", xauth_consumer_key=None, xauth_consumer_secret=None, )